Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Monday July 20th - First Day

We are off to a good start for our 2009 Mission to Costa Rica.  Sonia Carbonell and I met with the minister’s wife, Rut, and Dunia, the coordinator for youth programs at the Church Sunday after worship.  They gave us the news.  The kids are out of school all week because of influenza.  Once Sonia and I got over the shock we began to brace ourselves for the fact that we would not have 50 children for each session – morning and afternoon like we normally do when the children are in school.  We would have all of the children all of the time!  We had prepared 200 foam crosses for the name tags and about 3 pm we had run out.  That gives you an idea of the number of children we had today for our first day.  I can only believe that God is going to see us through this.  You know how we love a challenge!  Today the lesson was on the belt of truth, because as Christians we have to start everything with a firm foundation, the truth of God’s word, or anything we build will not last.  Tomorrow we will be teaching the breastplate or righteousness – each child will get a Tshirt with “Guard your heart” scripture to decorate and keep,  I can hardly wait. Boy am I glad we brought plenty of Tshirts.



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