Sunday, July 27, 2008

Saturday, Julio 26, Afternoon Report

our main man, Chino on the finished slab


Eryn with Yamalee and Brianna with Tailyn

Inger with Priscilla

On the building side, Pastor Carlos let us know that we got all of the hard work done, and they would be able to put the roof on the building. The church has the supplies for the roof already. Although it rains every day, the rain did not interfere with the cement work. Wonder why???

Inside, the group had a party with the kids. We also handed out packages and gifts.

This morning, we will be headed to Fray Casiano to worship one more time with our friends before heading to La Fortuna. This may be the last report from the group.

It has been a real blessing to be here. My family has met a lot of new friends from the US as well as in Fray Casiano. Thank you all for your prayers and support. Without you, this would not have come to fruition.

Be ye doers of the Word and not hearers only.

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