We worshipped with our Costa Rican neighbors in their small curch in Fray Casiano. It was quite a service with much music, clapping and joy. The spirit of Christ was all around us. We were treated to Costa Rican dances in native attire. The young ladies were beautiful!
Then In the Carpenter's Footsteps sang a song to the church in Spanish, and plan to do the same for the Christ Presnyterian Church congregation in Tallahassee when we get back.
Then the hard part-the good byes. I think there were more tears shed in the last moments than all the rain we had all week. The kids latched on to every one one of us. Hugs, kisses, exchanges of addresses and gifts. I'd rather have had a concrete block drop on my foot.
...but, we promised to complete the buiding, and so there will be at lest one more trip!